About Us

The MSP UK Region is a Roman Catholic Society of Apostolic Life founded by Dominic Cardinal Ekandem of blessed memory. It was established by the episcopal conference of Nigeria, following a decision reached at their meeting in Kaduna in 1976. This foundation was the response of the Nigerian Church to the call of Pope Paul VI at Kampala, Uganda, that Africans should become missionaries to themselves. The first set of candidates arrived for the start of their formation in 1977. Priests of St. Patrick Missionary Society, Kiltegan Ireland were invited by the CBCN to assist in the formation of these seminarians.
The headquarter of the Congregation is located in Kutunku, Gwagwalada, while the major seminary is located at Paiko Road, Gwagwalada, Abuja, Nigeria. The MSP has been having priestly ordinations since 1985. Our priests now serve in Africa, Europe, United States of America, Scandanavia, and South America. This include the young and old churches of the world.
The motto of the Society is “We are Ambassadors for Christ” (2 Cor. 5:20). These are the exact words of St. Paul who is the Patron saint of the MSP. Like St. Paul our patron, members are driven by the love of Christ (2 Cor 5:14) to be “all things to all peoples (1 Cor 9:22). With docility to the Holy Spirit and in the imitation of St. Paul, following the constitutions, members go without delay to wherever the Superior General or Region Superior, sends them. The task of this missionary body is to wake up the world, following the instruction of our Holy Father, Pope Francis. Our vision is to faithfully carry out the missionary mandate of Jesus (Matthew 28:19-20) through a wide spectrum of parish-based apostolate, schools, and chaplaincies. The MSP UK Region strive to offer hope to the youth by our engagement in various parish based youth apostolates. Also the MSP is involved in the active ministry of giving succour to the refugees, migrants, ethnic minority groups, care for those trafficked, helping to stop further trafficking, and several other apostolates and ministries.
Our first UK Region missionaries to the UK; Frs Cosmas Ikirodah and Addison Okpeh, arrived in 2000 and served in Clifton and Southwark dioceses respectively. Today, our priests are serving the Catholic Churches in England, Scotland and Wales.
Membership of our missionary organization comprise of the ordained and the non ordained. The latter are referred to as Associate Missionaries of St. Paul.
Our society is indebted to so many people, extraordinary people who sacrificed so much over the years to build us up over the years.
We invite you to join us, avail us of your services and support in whichever way possible. Your gifts and talents are needed to help us continue to deliver on our vision and goals and to continue to serve our beloved mother Church, the holy roman catholic church in every capacity and wherever she needs us. Contact us and find yourself a place in the MSP family.
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