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The Missionary Society of St. Paul of Nigeria is a Clerical Society of Apostolic Life of Diocesan Right. The Priest members of the Society are incorporated into it by an Oath of Permanent Membership and are dedicated to the Society’s Missionary Apostolate. By their Oath of Permanent Membership, members undertake the observance of the evangelical counsels of Chastity, evangelical Poverty (Simplicity of Life) and Obedience in imitation of Christ. Living as a community of priests in the Church, the members carry out, in a special way, the missionary mandate and commitment of the Catholic Church where the Church most needs them.

Meaning and Purpose:

The apostolic disposition of the Missionary Society of St. Paul of Nigeria hinges on the appeal that our Patron, St. Paul, makes for the world to be reconciled in Christ (2 Cor. 5: 25). Our missionary apostolate is borne of the zealous endeavour to bring Christ’s salvific message to people all over the world, through ministry that is undertaken in accordance with the Gospel, and in docility to the Holy Spirit. Under the Church’s hierarchy, we, both as individuals and as a society, strive for a universal love for all men and women of all races and creeds, especially the poor, through the faithful living of the evangelical counsels.

Pro Christo Legatione Ergo Fungimur (Ambassadors for Christ) 2 Cor. 5: 20.

Logo/Coat of Arms:



A CrossSign of salvation.
A Dove with Seven rays.Signifying the presence of the Spirit of Christ renewing the face of the earth. The rays signify the seven-fold gifts of the Holy Spirit.
The Open Bible at the center of the map, and a stole on the right page.Signifying the Mission to preach and to sanctify.
The world map within the circle.Representing the field of evangelisation.Representing the field of evangelisation.
The pen on the left page.Indicating the varied contributions of the written word to the apostolate.
Mono-Colour.Red: the world map in dotted red against a white background. Red signifies martyrdom, and white signifies purity.
Motto: "Pro Christo
Legatione Ergo Fungimur.
Translates “We are Ambassadors for Christ.”