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You can become part of the good news spread by the Missionaries of St. Paul by assisting us.

How you can assist:

  1. PRAYER: The greatest gift you can give to the Missionaries of St. Paul is your prayer: Pray for the success of our mission all over the world and pray too for vacation to the priesthood and the religious life.
  2. SPONSORSHIP: The Missionary society of St. Paul has over 120 seminarians studying for the priesthood, and all of them are being catered for by the Society. It takes an average of two thousand two hundred pounds (£2,200.00) to keep each student in the seminary for one year and this is becoming a very difficult task for the Society. If you think you can sponsor a seminarian or make a financial contribution towards the training of a seminarian please contact us the Director, Mission Development Office.
  3. BECOME ASSOCIATE MISSIONARY: The Associate missionaries of St Paul, AMSP, are friends and associates of the congregation who make a special commitment to be part of the work we do. To know more about the AMSP or become a member, click AMSP and read more.
  4. INCLUDE US IN YOUR WILL: You can equally continue the good news after your life here on earth by including us in your last will and testament. Our legal name is Missionary Society of St. Paul. You will be surely remembered in the masses offered by the missionaries of St Paul around the world.
  5. FOUNDATION MASSES: Foundation Masses are set for every AMSP that the Lord called from this life to the eternal glory

The Director,
Mission Development Office
The Regional House
The Missionary Society of St. Paul
6 Knowle Close
London SW9 0TQ
Email: mission.office@mspfathers.co.uk
Tel: 02077375669