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The induction of Rev.fr Boniface Kesiena Akpoigbe, MSP as the Parish Priest


It was a very joyful day for the parishioners of St.Catherine's Littlehampton and St Joseph's Catholic Church Rustington on the 4th of February as the Bishop Richard Moth officiated at the Holy Mass for the induction of Rev. Fr Boniface Kesiena Akpoigbe,MSP as the Parish Priest of St.Catherine's Littlehampton and St Joseph's Catholic Church Rustington.


The Bishop during his homily thanked the Missionary of St. Paul of Nigeria for sending Fr. Boniface Akpoigbe to mission to the United Kingdom and subsequently to the diocese of Arundel and Brighton, and thanked Fr Boniface for accepting to work in the diocese and encourage him to feel at home.


Further, Bishop Moth recalled how many missionaries were sent to Nigeria from Ireland and the United Kingdom and how today the Church in the West are benefitting from the Seed of faith sown many years ago. According to him, it is significant evidence of the Word; the Gospel being spread throughout the world.


Fr Boniface, MSP thanked the Bishop and all present for coming to celebrate with him and the parishioners of St.Catherine's Littlehampton and St Joseph's Catholic Church Rustington. 


The ceremony came to an end with refreshment immediately after the Mass.




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