The Induction of Rev. Fr. Cosmas Ikirodah, MSP as Parish Priest of Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church
The Induction of Rev. Fr. Cosmas Ikirodah, MSP as Parish Priest of Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic...
The Induction of Rev. Fr. Cosmas Ikirodah, MSP as Parish Priest of Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic...
It was a very joyful day for the parishioners of St.Catherine's Littlehampton and St Joseph's Catholic Church Rustington on the 4th of February as the Bishop Richard Moth officiated...
Fr Samuel Alabi,MSP making his profession of Faith and Oath of Fidelity on assuming the office as Parish Priest of Our Lady of the Rosary,...
The funeral Mass of Ms Mary Bernadette Cogan took place at Holy Name Catholic Church, Leeds Diocese on Tuesday 4th January 2022. Ms Cogan passed away on Friday 3rd December 2021 at the age of 96...
The 19th of November 2021 was the induction of Fr. Noel Chukwudike Ugoagwu, MSP as the Parish Priest of The Most Precious Blood and St. Edmund Catholic Church Edmonton, London. The Induction Mass was...
The 2021 MSP ordination was presided over by a member of the 4th MSP ordination class. Most Rev. Anselm Umoren, MSP, the Auxiliary Bishop of Abuja Archdiocese, who was ordained a priest on June 18,...
I arrived Douala International Airport in the early hours of Thursday morning on April 15, 2021, after an hour flight from Abuja. Fr. Emmanuel Adinye, MSP, Cameroun Mission Superior, Fr. Israel...