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Family: Investments and returns

The family is indispensable. It is so central in God’s plan that he sent us his Son through a family. Family life is hard, but whatever efforts we put into it are worth it. So, the saying “as you make your bed, so you must lie in it” is fittingly applicable to our families. Let us focus on fathers and mothers, due to their crucial role in setting the tone for their families. As parents, you have God-given authority over your children. It must be used well, and not be abused. It is for the good upbringing of your children. This is your greatest responsibility. It is a daunting responsibility, but remember Mary and Joseph’s situation. How do you raise God’s Son? There was no manual, as parents say. But loving your children and acting out of love is always a win-win. You have the responsibility to teach them about responsibility, sacrifice, virtue and how to get to heaven. Pampering them and trying to be their friend is not loving them. It is your job to keep them from danger, physical and spiritual. Strive not to be one of the AWOL (absent without official leave) parents. Be assured that God equips those he calls. He does not look for the equipped. 

Prayer: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, help us and our families to imitate your unity and love. May Mary and Joseph intercede for us always. Amen.