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Induction Of Fr Noel C Ugoagwu

The 19th of November 2021 was the induction of Fr. Noel Chukwudike Ugoagwu, MSP as the Parish Priest of The Most Precious Blood and St. Edmund Catholic Church Edmonton, London. The Induction Mass was presided by Bishop John Sherrington, Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster and concelebrated by Fr. David Reilly, Dean of Enfield Deanery and Fr. Mark Odion, MSP, UK Regional Superior of MSP and a host of other Priests.


In attendance was H.E. Amb. Agnes Oswaha, the Ambassador of South Sudan to the United Kingdom of Britain and Northern Ireland accompanied by Ms. Suzy Longar and H.E. Amb. Paul Molong Akaro, South Sudan Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Nigeria and West African States and his spouse, friends and relatives of Fr Noel and Parishioners of St. Edmund Church.


Fr Noel served in South Sudan for six years in various capacities where he championed the reconstruction of the 'Our Lady of Holy Rosary Church' which was established in 1920. He also worked in the diocese of Argyll and the Isles and Aberdeen diocese Scotland before he was transferred to St. Edmund Catholic Church.



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